Sunday, February 28, 2010

Reading Response 5

What's on my mind today has almost nothing to do with the reading and I hope that's okay. The first thing that I've been thinking about recently is the statement that all of our professors keep making that districts like our graduates. Or even that some schools will only take our students teachers. So my question is "What makes us so much better?" What are we learning that others aren't? What does CSUSM do so differently? I feel as though if there is this expectation that I am going be better I could like to know what it is that I am to be better at. Is that fair? Alright, That was my little rant. (On a side note Dr. Lawler, I dunno if you thought about this but I feel as thought a blog format leads to a different tone then a formal reading response. Was that you intention or should I return to that tone?)

The other thing that is on my mind is the idea of collaborative groups and making them work. I have been in a lot of classrooms at this point. Some really good and some not. Some in rows and some in groups. I have yet to see a teacher use group work as explained in any of the texts we are using. How is it that I am expected to do this if even the most senior (and experimental teachers) aren’t? I am a bit apprehensive to try some of these things. I really hope that that goes away.

Sorry if this was a negative blog post. I really am enjoying the program and I am feeling like I am learning a lot. I just have been thinking about those two things for quite some time.

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